
NCERT Study: It is not enough to get good marks in the exam at the end of the year!

This time the report card will be prepared with the opinion of parents and friends NCERT Study: NCERT has directed the schools to prepare their assessment pattern as per all state HPC. In addition to studies, attention should be paid to sports and social activities. It is not just about getting good marks in annual exams. Everyone is focused on doing well in the end of year exams, students as well as parents are walking the same path. Stuck in traditional school education, students are losing their individuality.  So this time NCERT is another step to increase self-awareness among students. A different type of report card will be created. Keeping this in mind, Parakh, the benchmarking body of NCERT, has developed a Holistic Progress Card (HPC). According to a report in The Indian Express, the HPC will also prepare the report card based on feedback from the students' parents, classmates. The test will look not only at the academic performance of the students but also at the use of t